We are delighted to welcome Mana Sidónia Ximenes to the East Timor Hearts Fund team. Mana Sidónia is our new Rheumatic Heart Disease Nurse based in Dili with our partners Maluk Timor. She will be supporting our RHD awareness, education and prevention programs including the penicillin program and our RHD screening clinics.

Mana Sidónia previously worked for the Timor-Leste Ministry of Health (MoH) and Red Cross in Lospalos. At the Ministry of Health, she was working in the emergency department, outpatient department and inpatient rooms. She also collaborated with other medical teams in COVID-19 screening triage. While at Red Cross Mana Sidónia was conducting health promotion with various ethnic groups, providing first aid nursing care and support for drought relief operations.

It’s wonderful to have someone with her experience on our team and also strengthen our team in Timor-Leste.


Jane Papasergio


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Sidónia Ximenes – new Rheumatic Heart Disease Nurse